Sensat Visualisation Software
Collaborate to appraise preferred options quicker.
You can explore your project using a reality base map of your site. This base map enables you to bring in other data layers and visualise them in the context of the real-world.
Make informed decisions with Sensat’s measurement tools. You can take basic measurements and verify plans in the context of the real-world, without leaving your desktop.
Share information between teams within Sensat. You can explore ideas and compare options with teams while capturing feedback in real-time—or anytime.
We’re here to support energy projects
£181 million
Visualise your project constraints
You can explore your project using a reality base map of your site. This base map enables you to bring in other data layers and visualise them in the context of the real world.
View your site in 2D and 3D to inspect visual line of sight within the platform.
Test and evaluate options against the real world
Layer project information over real-world context to allow teams to explore ideas and measure their impact on surroundings.
Measure earthwork volumes, heights and distances from your desktop.
Centralise the conversation around one project view
With the platform you’ll have a visual backdrop during meetings allowing teams to explore ideas and compare options.
Use present mode and viewpoints to showcase areas of interest.
Information sharing between teams just easier.
All our plans include unlimited users within your organisation. You simply pay for your asset/project size.

Innovative companies use Sensats visualisation software to appraise options quicker: